The Education Board

Wittenborg’ programmes are developed and monitored by the Education Board, on the one hand to be compared to a research and development department of an organisation, and on the other hand to a programme management team within a higher education institute. The Education Board is comprised of key Wittenborg staff, concerned with the development and deployment of the programmes, including the Executive Director of Education, the Rector, the Heads of School, the Head of EDQM (Education Development and Quality Management) & Assurance of Learning Manager, the Head of Operations, Wittenborg’ locations representatives and various members of the teaching staff, depending on the programmes being discussed/developed. 

The chart below shows the structure of the Education Board. The aims of the Education Board are:

  1. To develop and have accredited new Bachelor and Master degree programmes.
  2. To maintain and re-develop all current Bachelor and Master degree programmes.
  3. To review feedback from students, teachers, (work placement) companies, business networks and alumni and take action on results.


The Education Board is responsible for aligning its programmes with the professional field and requirements of the market, and interacts with the ‘outside world’ through its contact with the advisory bodies and the professional field.

Peter Birdsall, MA.ed, President

Peter Birdsall, MA.ed, is President of the Board of Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences in Apeldoorn. He is also studying a Professional Doctorate in Education at the UK Open University.

In 1987, Peter graduated with a bachelor's degree in teaching from Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, in 1997. During his the later… read more.

Rauf Abdul, PhD

Rauf Abdul, PhD, Head School of Business, holds a PhD in Human Resource Management from the University of Twente, the Netherlands, in addition to an MBA and MSc in Business. A Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK), he is an expert in business education, accreditation, and curriculum innovation, working with AACSB, AMBA, FIBAA, and NVAO. Since 2015, Abdul has led the… read more.

Fahad Shakeel, PhD

Fahad Shakeel, MBA, PhD, Assistent Professor of Applied Sciences, completed his PhD from Radboud University, the Netherlands, in 2021. His research focus is on leadership, ethics and sustainability. He teaches multiple modules associated with his research interests and domain. Fahad supervises bachelor and master thesis and has interests in qualitative research methods. He… read more.

Adeyemi Banjo, MSc, MBA, Senior Lecturer

Adeyemi Banjo, MSc, MBA, comes from a multidisciplinary background. He first graduated from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, in 1991, with a BSc in Psychology. After working for a couple of years, he decided to further his studies and was able to obtain degrees in informatics and engineering management from Saxion, the Netherlands, a master’s in Business Administration (MBA… read more.

Myra Qiu, MSc, FHEA

Myra Qiu, MSc, FHEA, is a Researcher and Board Member at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences, where she is responsible for internal processes, HR team management, international collaborations, external locations and transnational education agreements, internal and international events, as well as recruitment and sales. Her educational background includes a focus on… read more.

Kriszta Kaspers-Rostas, MSc, Assurance of Learning Manager

Kriszta Kaspers-Rostas, MSc, completed her bachelor's studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in Finance and Banking at the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In the second year of her bachelor's studies, she was an Erasmus student at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences studying International Business and Languages. During this… read more.

Lucy Omwoha, MSc

Lucy Omwoha, MSc, Examinations Manager and Senior Lecturer, combines extensive teaching expertise with key administrative responsibilities. She holds a bachelor's in International Business Management, a master’s in International Event Management, and is pursuing a PhD at the University of Brighton. As a Senior Lecturer, Lucy plays a vital role in student development across… read more.

René Rijnders, MSc, Programme Coordinator

René Rijnders, MSc, has worked for the Dutch Board of the Hotel and Catering Industry for many years, focusing on Labour Market Research, Food Safety and Future Hospitality. He has participated in a number of publications on using the Design Thinking approach in concept development in hospitality. In 2013, he entered into teaching at Saxion Hospitality Business School, the… read more.

Hanna Abdelwahab, MBA

Hanna Abdelwahab, MBA, Education Support Administrator, holds a Bachelor of Accountancy Degree from Nanyang Technological Institute, Singapore and an MBA – Education Management (honours) from Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. She also holds a postgraduate Diploma in Education from Singapore and was in the teaching profession for more than fifteen… read more.

Nikita Pahwa, PhD

Nikita Pahwa, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Applied Sciences at Wittenborg. She holds a PhD in Economics. She is an academic with a decade of teaching and research experience. In 2012, she embarked on her teaching journey and has taught various bachelor's and master's subjects. Before joining Wittenborg, she created content, managed a team and taught research, economics… read more.

Robert Muster, MSc

Robert Muster, MSc, Lecturer, is a Data Science Researcher and Teacher with expertise in data science, statistics, research methods for social sciences, artificial intelligence, network science, business analytics, digital transformation, marketing, computer programming, information management, open science and digital education. He is currently finalising his doctoral… read more.