Student Support at Wittenborg is described both in the specific programme’s student guide as well as the student charter, in which expectations are explained from both the institute and the student.
There are 2 specific types of student support: educational and non-educational, and the flowchart below shows how student issues can be dealt with, and at which level:
Full Education Support

As highlighted in the chart above, educational support channels are channeled through a student's designated process tutor or study advisor. The goal is to address and resolve any student concerns before they escalate into formal complaints. While process tutors primarily handle educational matters, they are always available to lend a sympathetic ear. For non-educational issues, students are encouraged to reach out to the Front Desk or their designated 'Student Rep' for assistance.
Process Tutors at Wittenborg

At Wittenborg, process tutors for bachelor-level students and study advisors for master-level students are integral members of a dedicated supervisory team. Their primary role is to guide students through their curriculum, ensuring they understand their academic responsibilities and rights. These mentors are responsible for keeping track of a student’s study progress and carry our appraisal talks that result in updated study agreements. Collaboration with student administration staff and the registrar is essential to manage academic progress effectively.
Every student is assigned a designated process tutor or study advisor who provides ongoing support throughout their academic journey. While the bachelor's process tutor remains consistent during Phases 1 and 2, adjustments may occur in Phase 3 to accommodate work-placement requirements.
For MBM (MSc) students, the study advisor will generally be the MBM programme coordinator. Similarly, MBA students are generally guided by the MBA programme coordinator, although part-time students may be assigned a different study advisor.
In addition to academic guidance, these mentors play a vital role in familiarising students with life at Wittenborg. They assist in navigating educational resources such as education guides, module guides, student handbooks, and timetables. Moreover, the team provides comprehensive information on campus facilities, Apeldoorn and Amsterdam city life, library and sports facilities, access to local organisations, integration into Dutch society, and preparation for ‘life after Wittenborg’.
For practical administrative matters such as travel, housing, insurance and health concerns, students are encouraged to consult relevant student support or administrative staff, starting with the Front Desk for initial assistance.