Management Support Team

WUAS has a wide management support team, in education, financial administration, registry, admissions and the HR department..

Harry Maatjes

Harry Maatjes graduated in Mechanical Engineering and has been working in various companies, mainly in the field of environmental issues. Harry specialized in non-production management, like quality, business start-ups, licenses, after-sales service and finance. In 2003 he joined Wittenborg as a teacher in SME modules, finance and law. On occasion, he gives seminars on… read more.

Tim Birdsall

Tim Birdsall is a trainer. His main training language is English, although he regularly trains in German for his long-term clients. Tim has worked as a professional trainer since 1999, and started working as a teacher in 1995. In 2020, Tim’s main Clients were Henkel, Daikin, Span and Dynatrace. Tim is professionally motivated by pragmatic training designs. Blended… read more.

Florian Oosterberg. Student Registrar

Florian Oosterberg, MA, is  Student Registrar and works with the Admissions, Registry, Exam Results and Finance Teams to ensure transparent, smooth admissions and registration process for all students at Wittenborg. Florian joined Wittenborg in 2014 at the Admissions department and has been closely involved in international recruitment… read more.