Wittenborg offers students the opportunity to start their programmes by following part of the curriculum at its study location in Munich. See https://www.wittenborg.eu/munich.htm
Students complete the normal application procedure through the Admissions Team and Registry in Apeldoorn and upon successful formal acceptance into the degree programme in the Netherlands, and payment of fees, will be registered as students at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences B.V.
A minimum of 25% of the curriculum must be followed in the Netherlands
However, in order to be formally registered in the degree awarding programme under the Netherlands Act of Higher Education, students who start their studies in Munich must complete at least 25% of the final part of their studies in the Netherlands, at either the Apeldoorn or the Amsterdam locations.
- Bachelor: a minimum of 60 EC Credits, including the Final Project must be carried out in the Netherlands.
- Master: a minimum of 20 EC Credits, including the Final Project must be carried out in the Netherlands.
Transfer of European Credits
Students who start their studies in Munich will have their gained European credits formally transferred into the degree programme in order to gain a Dutch bachelor or master degree, upon formally registering in the Netherlands at Wittenborg as a student. The Registry office will take care of this procedure for all students, and the process will be seamless.
As the Wittenborg Graduation & Examination Board will carry out its normal oversight of assessment, evaluation and credits awarded for students in Munich, additional verification is not required.
Students starting their studies in Munich will:
- Follow exactly the same curriculum as students studying in Apeldoorn or Amsterdam;
- Follow the normal Education & Examination Guide (EEG) as published by Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences B.V;
- Be taught by teachers and lecturers, on location in Munich, who are appointed and engaged by Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences B.V;
- Have access to all services and study materials provided to Wittenborg students, based on the study fee paid;
- Be allowed to transfer to the Netherlands’ campuses at any time during their studies;
IMPORTANT NOTICE for students planning to start their studies in Munich:

You have chosen to start your studies at Wittenborg’s study location in Munich. Your acceptance letter and study agreement documents are your formal acceptance into the degree programme in the Netherlands. You will be formally registered as a student in the degree programme, under the Netherlands Act of Higher Education, once you have started the final 25% of your required credits in the degree programme at either the main campus of Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences in Apeldoorn or Wittenborg’s campus in Amsterdam. For more information about credit transfer and transnational education in the Netherlands please see the pages at https://www.wittenborg.eu/entrance-criteria-bachelor-and-master-degree-programmes.htm