Welcome to the Student Support Office!
Wittenborg has two types of student tutor support systems, one for academic issues and one for non-academic issues. Wittenborg has an open door policy which means that students find all staff easily accessible during office hours on the days they are working. Also Wittenborg Online and Office365 make it easy for students to contact the correct staff member about any issue. Wittenborg is also small enough to allow students to have easy and direct contact with management, if they wish.
Education Support - Student Process Tutors
All Bachelor and Master students are allocated a “process tutor”. This person is responsible for monitoring a student’s progress and ensuring a student’s well-being through coaching and support. The tutor is also involved with the student’s teaching programme, either through the language programme or through personal development programme. Tutors have contact with students on a weekly basis, and also through regular online contact and emails.
At their Final Project (Dissertation / Graduation Project) Phase, Master students are allocated a personal academic tutor who is responsible for monitoring progress, advising on writing and research and preparing for the production and submission of the Final Project. Tutors have regular meetings with these students and keep contact at school and online.
Each half year, all students have an evaluation interview with their Process tutor, who together with them, assesses progress and reviews the study agreement for the next academic period.

Non-Education Support - Student Administration & Front Desks
Student Administration is managed by the Student Registrar who is responsible for registering students on a legal basis and advising them about their status. This person also deals with the final registration with the Education Ministry and the Immigration Services (for non-EU students). The Student Registrar also works closely with the timetabling department and EC Credit Administration, so that students can be informed and advised on their study progress.