Package fee for students requiring a visa

Package Fees

Besides the tuition fee, all non-resident, non-EU/EEA students are required to pay a package fee if they wish Wittenborg to apply for their entry visa with residence card for the Netherlands. (This does not apply to resident students with a Type-1 residence permit). Nigerian and Iranian students are required to pay the full invoice upfront and do not have the option of payment in installments by paying the package fee upfront, due to visa reasons.

This 'Package Fee' includes: 

  • 1-year tuition fee [for master's programmes only a first-term payment is included in the package fee]
  • 1-year student ICT Resources, study materials and library usage fee [for master's programmes, this fee is applicable for the entire duration of the programme]
  • 1-year health insurance
  • Student accommodation in Apeldoorn housing
  • visa application and first residence permit

The following overview of Package Fees are the fees required to be paid by 'visa students' (non-EU) so that Wittenborg can easily and quickly apply for an MVV entry visa for study, within the regulations of the Code of Conduct for International Students in Dutch Higher Education and the requirements of the Immigration Office (IND).

Note: All master's/postgraduate degree programme tuition fees can be fulfilled by instalments. Non-EU bachelor's degree students can generally arrange study fee payments in instalments after year 1.

Please contact the administration office for more details by sending an e-mail to

Total Package Fees for students requiring Study Visa supportTotal
Master of Business Management (Includes €11,600 first-term payment of total tuition fee €18,300)*€ 15,770
Pre-Master's + MBM programme (Includes €11,600 first-term payment of total tuition fee €22,300)€ 15,770
Master of Business Administration (Apeldoorn: all programmes - including €11,600 first-term payment of total tuition fee € 18,300)*€ 15,770
Master of Business Administration (Amsterdam: all programmes - Including €11,600 first-term payment of total tuition fee € 18,300)* **€ 13,570
*Excluding accommodation fee 
Bachelor of International Business Administration (in Apeldoorn: all specialisations)€ 13,970
Bachelor of IBA Entrepreneurship & Small Business (in Amsterdam)*€ 11,770
*Excluding accommodation fee  
Preparation Foundation Course (1 Year)€ 13,970
Preparation Foundation Course (1/2 year)€ 8,390