The Quality System at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences

Wittenborg is at present a boutique university of applied sciences i.e the quality system for a programme is identical to the quality system for the whole university of applied sciences. Between 2006 and 2008, Wittenborg approached quality systems as described in the original bachelor (BBA) Self-Assessment of 2006. From 2009, the institute has begun to develop a system called Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), which is aimed at integrating a quality system into all processes, including the programme development.

As part of its move to Apeldoorn in 2010, Wittenborg committed itself to growth and development, and has established the policy of establishing a continuous accreditation cycle, which entails a regular critical peer review. Wittenborg has therefore committed itself to a cycle of various types of accreditation for programmes at Bachelor and Master level, that contain a critical review of quality processes and measurements. Since 2010, Wittenborg has completed two cycles of FIBAA accreditation processes for its Bachelor programmes, two cycles of NVAO accreditation for its Bachelor programmes and three validations for its joint-delivery MSc programmes through the validation systems of the University of Brighton (UofB), which falls under the UK’s QAA accreditation system. UofB has also recently carried out a second institution validation (valid for 5 years, under QAA). Since 2010, the MBA programme has undergone separate FIBAA and NVAO accreditation processes (first cycle). During the accreditation processes the Quality System has been included as part of an extended accreditation, as WUAS does not have institutional accreditation.

Therefore, alongside student and teacher evaluation, peer review by partner institutions and evaluation by the professional field, the accreditation process itself is seen as part of the quality system, and not just an end result. WUAS has a systematic approach to quality and this is also implemented in the quality control of programme development and programme operations.

Quality System Handbook

Quality System Handbook

The system is described in the Quality System Handbook. A Quality Manager is appointed by the Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences Executive to oversee the implementation and maintenance and improvement of the Quality System. The Quality Manager reports to the Executive who in turn is required to report to the University Advisory Board. From 2014 (regarding 2013), WUAS is obligated to submit a yearly report regarding critical self-reflection on quality and standards to the Minister of Education (Ministry of Education, OC&W).

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