Project Week

Project weeks at Wittenborg are an essential and unique part of the academic curriculum. They form the bridge between academic study, cognitive learning, personal development, and team work within group directed learning.

Project weeks bring students into contact with “real life projects” as much as is possible, either of a research nature or a practical nature. In one way or another, Project Week is part of the educational structure of the BBA, MBM and MBA programmes.

Project Weeks - Teams and Groups

Project Weeks - Teams and Groups

During Project Weeks, students are formed into groups and given a project topic during an introduction session by the project teacher, sometimes accompanied by a representative from a company or organisation that has helped to instigate the project.

All students within a year of a particular programme, complete the same project in teams with the following basic format:

  • Students form project teams with a clear role division
  • Students evaluate themselves within the team undertaking prescribed roles
  • Students produce a final report, in the form of a proposal, that can be presented to external investors
  • Students are able to present their final report, in a clear and organised pitch
Project Weeks at Wittenborg

During project weeks, students are also encouraged to complete a ‘Belbin’ evaluation of their performance. This personal development method is continued throughout the programme, allowing students to map a developing profile of themselves.

Often the project will be instigated by a business/government organisation working with the university (if you're interested in becoming a partner, see here). Sometimes, representatives from that organisation will be involved in the start-up of project week and the final evaluation for the best projects. Often a prize is awarded to the group with what has been judged as the best project. During project week, students often make a business excursion to the focus of the project, either a company, an organisation, or the location of an event or object that is the subject of the project week.

For example of project weeks, read the following news articles:

Master Challenge Project Week Offers Students a Real-Life Consulting Experience
Project Week Gives Students Chance to Collaborate with Social Purpose Organisation
Students Share Key Takeaways from Climate Change Project Week