Erasmus+ KA131 Outgoing Staff Mobility Announcement at Wittenborg

Wittenborg is pleased to introduce the Staff Mobility Project KA131, an initiative designed to offer our staff members enriching global experiences. In line with our commitment to lifelong learning and professional development, this project invites you to teach and obtain training in diverse cultural settings, collaborate with international peers, and integrate fresh, global perspectives into your work. By participating, you will enhance your professional and/or teaching skills and contribute to the internationalization and future growth of our institution. This is a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact on both your professional journey and our university of applied sciences community. 

What is the Erasmus+ staff mobility grant?

The Erasmus+ staff mobility grant is an EU-funded grant that helps finance EU staff teaching and training mobility with other Erasmus+ partner institutions. 

The activities that Wittenborg’s Staff Mobility Policy covers are:

  • Giving lectures/tutorials/seminars/workshops (Please note: Erasmus+ funding is not possible for conferences)
  • Receiving training from the host institution, such as job-shadowing

Funding is principally available to faculty as well as professional staff members. It is provided on a first-come, first-served basis and is subject to budget availability.

Erasmus+ staff mobility application requirements

  • Eligibility
    • To be eligible for Erasmus+ staff mobility, the applicant must be employed at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences.
    • Staff members on on-call contracts are not eligible for this programme.
    • Staff mobility for teaching is permitted within the fields of business, management, and related disciplines, subject to approval.
  • Duration of Mobility
    • The mobility period must last a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 5 days in a single programme country, excluding travel days. Any mobility exceeding 5 days must be specifically justified.
    • For teaching mobility, a minimum of 8 teaching hours per week is required. If the mobility lasts less than one week, the 8-hour requirement still applies.
  • Scheduling and Responsibilities
    • Staff mobility must not interfere with teaching or other duties at Wittenborg. It is advised to schedule mobility activities during non-teaching periods, unless there are no teaching responsibilities during the planned mobility.
    • Lessons or modules may not be cancelled, rescheduled, or reallocated to accommodate staff mobility participation.
    • Prior to application, staff members must obtain permission from their supervisors. Faculty members must also receive approval from the Head of the School of Business.
  • Compensation and Working Hours
    • For staff members employed under 2080 contracts (1 FTE/1880 working hours per year), time spent on staff mobility during standard working days will be considered paid time off.
    • Days spent on mobility that fall outside standard working hours will not be compensated.
  • Host Institution Arrangements
    • It is the staff member's responsibility to arrange the teaching or training days and secure confirmation from the host institution.
    • The content, scope, and dates of the staff teaching or training assignment must be agreed upon in advance with the host institution.
    • The host institution must either be within the Erasmus+ Programme (EU) or third countries not associated to the programme (NON-EU).
    • Check the Inter-Institutional Erasmus+ Agreement between Wittenborg and the host institution. These partner universities hold the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).
    • To determine if your destination is eligible for a staff mobility grant, first contact the Research Centre. If Wittenborg is not a partner, the Research Centre must sign an Inter-Institutional Erasmus+ Agreement.
    • The current list of Inter-Institutional Agreements is available on the website.1
  • Travel Budget
    • The travel budget must not exceed the set limit. Please refer to the detailed budgetary guidelines.

Grant and travel amounts

The Erasmus+ staff mobility scholarship is a contribution to the costs of mobility and may never be constituted as a full scholarship. It consists of two funding components:

  1. a living allowance, daily (for accommodation & meals)
  2. a travel cost allowance, one time (to and from the mobility destination)

You can receive funding for up to 2 travel days. 

Please note regarding double funding: the Erasmus+ scholarship may not be used to cover costs that are already funded by other grants from the European Commission.

The grant is based on the average cost of living in the country of the host institution, duration of stay, nature of the mobility, and travel distance as determined by the European Committee. The amounts are subject to change due to indexation and budget availability.

Cost of living allowance amounts 2024 (per day)
GroupHost country/ Programme countryIndicative grant amount per day (days 1-14.)
Group 1Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden 
Third countries not associated to the Programme 
Region 1-4
Group 2Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain 
Third countries not associated to the Programme 
Region 5
Group 3Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland Romania, Serbia, Slovakia Slovenia, Turkey€100
Non-EU destinationsThird countries not associated to the Programme Regions 1-4 and 6-13€180


Travel cost amounts 2024

The compensation for travel costs is based on the distance from the sending to the host institution. The travel distance should be calculated using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission. The applicant must indicate the distance of a one-way journey to calculate the amount of the EU grant that will support the round trip.

Travel distances Non-Green travel Green travel 
Between 10-99 km €28 €56 
Between 100-499 km €211 €285 
Between 500-1999 km €309 €417 
Between 2000-2999 km €395 €535 
Between 3000-3999 km €580 €785 
Between 4000-7999 km €1188 €1188 
8000 km or more €1735 €1735 

How to apply

1. Before application 

Step 1: Check the table of allowance amounts above to ensure the higher education institution where you wish to go on mobility is in one of the participating programme countries. Contact the institution and receive permission for your mobility there. 

Step 2: Check whether Wittenborg has a valid Erasmus+ exchange agreement (IIA: Inter-Institutional Agreements) that includes teaching with the institution where you wish to complete the mobility. Inform Wittenborg Research Centre to sign the IIA if there is none yet.  

Step 3: Receive the confirmation (including the teaching module and teaching dates, or the training content) from the host institute that they can and will host you. 

Step 4: Receive permission from your supervisor at Wittenborg, and from the Head of School of Business at Wittenborg (faculty only). 

Step 5: Submit the application form (Teaching or Training) to the Research Centre to initiate the mobility.

2. Application

If you are selected for an Erasmus+ staff mobility, you must: 

Step 6: Complete the form Staff Mobility Agreement (Teaching or Training) make sure the form is signed by your manager, a representative of the host institution and yourself. 

Step 7: Send the Staff Mobility Agreement via email to the Research Centre (Staff Mobility Coordinator). 

Step 8: The Research Centre (Staff Mobility Coordinator) will check your form. 

Step 9: The Research Centre will send you a Grant Agreement, which needs to be filled out at least 2 weeks before the start of your mobility. HRM will also be informed of the approved mobility of the staff members, including travel dates. HRM will send the staff member the business travel insurance before their trips. 

Please note: If your teaching assignment is postponed, cancelled, shortened or extended, or if there is any other reason why you no longer meet the conditions of the Erasmus+ grant, you are obliged to inform the Research Centre by email of this change.  

The Research Centre will evaluate the reasons for the change and its impact on the grant and overall programme. If the responsibility for these changes lies with the applicant, they may not be considered for future mobility opportunities. 

3. After application

Step 10: Finally, you will receive a Certificate of Attendance Staff Mobility. This form must be completed by the host institution and must be sent via email to the Research Centre within two weeks after the end of your mobility. 

Step 11: The day after your mobility ends, you will receive an automated email invitation to fill out the online Participant Report detailing your Erasmus+ mobility. Completing this last step is mandatory; please note that the Erasmus+ funds will not be transferred to the budget number until this Participant Report has been submitted. 

Step 12: Declare your costs to the Research Centre to receive reimbursement. 

Step 13: Prepare a short experience report for the Research Centre and plan to share your mobility experience with other staff members based on the options (Research Centre meeting, sharing workshop, training session). The Research Centre will contact you to set up your session. 

Please note that we are entering the initial pilot phase of staff mobility at Wittenborg with this step. We will keep evaluating and updating this initiative and the related regulations on a regular basis and withhold the right to update them where necessary. 

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