Internationality & Internationalisation

Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences sees its role as the education and training of highly qualified, internationally minded, socially responsible and intercultural, critical and independent thinking graduates, who engage in innovative and creative business in companies and organisations around the world, either working for others or in the instigation of business and entrepreneurship. Wittenborg embraces internationalisation as a key value.

To achieve this, Wittenborg engages in close dialogue with industry, government and NGOs. Wittenborg strives to bring expertise, knowledge and diversity to the local region in which it operates, thereby enhancing the economy, culture and social environment.

Since 2008 Wittenborg has only operated in English, at all levels and all departments.

Wittenborg's characteristics are:

  • 2/3 of Wittenborg's executive board is non-Dutch;
    • both board members were international students at Dutch universities in the 1990's;
  • 95% of Wittenborg's students are non-Dutch;
  • over 50% of Wittenborg's Faculty & Professional Staff are non-Dutch;
    • many international staff have also studied at Dutch universities as international students;
  • Wittenborg's students & staff represent more than 100 different nationalities;
    • Wittenborg's management teams are 90% international;
    • Many of Wittenborg's Professional Staff are international: many are former international students;
  • since 2006 Wittenborg has submitted all its national NVAO accreditations in English, all panels have been composed of international members, and reports have been written in English, NVAO essentially accredits Wittenborg’s programmes in English;
    • Wittenborg is also internationally accredited by the German, Swiss, Austrian organisation FIBAA;
    • Wittenborg also holds the European ECA accreditation for Internationalisation for its Bachelor of Business Administration;
  • all Wittenborg's programme documentation, accreditation documents, publications, internal documents, quality system documents, financial documents, reports and procedures are written in English;

Recognised Internationalisation

Internationality & Internationalisation

Wittenborg has built its reputation on three cornerstones, three fundamental pillars: Internationalisation, Diversity & Ethics.

The accrediting authorities FIBAA and NVAO, and the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA) have all been very positive about these Wittenborg's fundamentals; in its report on internationalisation of the programmes, FIBAA wrote:

"The panel concluded that Wittenborg has formulated and documented goals on intentionality and intercultural aspects. The goals are such that a verification of their achievement is possible and stakeholders of the WUAS are involved in these processes. In the view of the panel the overall programme learning outcomes regarding internationalisation found their way into the learning outcomes of the modules. International and intercultural content are key aspects of the programme.

The teaching methods are such that the students are enabled to achieve the intended learning outcomes and the assessment possibilities allow the lecturers to check adequately on the modules specific international learning outcomes.

Job positions of graduates prove that the Wittenborg’s internationalisation strategy for the BBA programme is successful. The created learning environment regarding international and intercultural aspects is clearly above average in the view of the panel.

The international composition of Wittenborg teaching and administrative staff as well as the international composition of Wittenborg student body are remarkable and have a clear impact on Wittenborg's international profile and the quality of studies.

Staff and students together create a truly international and intercultural atmosphere at Wittenborg, which benefits all members of Wittenborg."