In any modern learning environment on-line information plays an important role. At Wittenborg students and teachers can access course information, modules, web mail, their account information and many other utilities, through the intranet. To stay informed all students and staff will be kept up-to-date of all news, events and study information through Wittenborg’s own information system online.
Login is done by using the Wittenborg user name and password. Intranet can be accessed from school and from home, or anywhere in the world! All you have to do is log in!

Wittenborg's E-Learning System and Intranet
Wittenborg's E-Learning programme is designed for both in-house students and distance learning students. It means that whether students are in Apeldoorn or elsewhere, they can continue their studies, not missing important elements or assignments.
The team at Wittenborg has years of experience in the development of e-learning systems, and relies on adapted open-source solutions for both its internet web-based applications as well as its network environment. This independent IT team works both for the institute as well as for businesses around the world, providing web-based, database and networking solutions for smaller and larger companies and organisations.
Wittenborg`s own E-Learning environment - Moodle+Office365+Sharepoint+Osiris:
- is part of a comprehensive online package, which includes tele-working/studying, Office365 - web-mail & online office suite and groupware, as well as a fully comprehensive on-line educational learning centre
- Office365 is integrated into its intranet, and the entry page provides minute-to-minute news about activities and events in and around the school
- is the Student Administration system OSIRIS, Content Management System (for curriculum) and the grading attendance and timetabling system
- allows chat, testing, exams, assignments, news groups, forums, course enrolment, instant marking, progress reports, and much more
- supports all types of multimedia and document formats to be uploaded.
Each course has its own part of intranet and is managed by teachers and a content manager. Teachers can lay out their courses in the formats provided and communicate with students through a whole range of techniques. The course material can be used as an addition to classroom work, as well as a fully functional distance learning module.
Teachers and students can easily keep track of their grades, and can also see this shown in progress charts. The system also has glossaries such as dictionaries and encyclopedias that are either module bound or system wide, depending on what the teacher making them requires. The system is drawn from a database, and is, therefore, easily searchable.
Students are expected to enroll on their courses through intranet, and to keep up to date with changes in the curriculum through this means.
Every month, new features are added, bugs are resolved and tweaks are implemented. If you are interested to find out more about Wittenborg`s intranet, e-learning and networking environment contact us at