Wittenborg VP to Chair AMBA Visits to UK Business Schools

Currently More than 250 Business Schools Worldwide hold AMBA Accreditation
Prof. Dr. Ronald Tuninga, WUAS' Vice-President of Academic Affairs, will chair AMBA accreditation visits to several UK business schools in the coming weeks.
Wittenborg Vice President of Academic Affairs will Chair various AMBA Visits to UK Business Schools in the coming weeks
The Association of MBAs (AMBA) is the most important accreditation body for the accreditation of MBA programmes at business schools around the globe. Tuninga is the Chair of the Faculty of Assessors at AMBA.
Accreditation visits involve meetings with business school management, professional staff, academic faculty members, students, alumni and employers. The AMBA accreditation process takes a holistic view of the MBA programme through discussions with all stakeholders involved. As part of the accreditation process the business school will review the 10 accreditation principles of AMBA regarding curriculum, quality of students and staff, and report these in the Self-Audit Report to the Association of MBAs.
Currently more than 250 Business schools in the world hold AMBA accreditation. This may seem like a large number of MBA programmes. Given that there are more than 10,000 MBA programmes globally, however, it is only a small fraction of business schools that hold this prestigious accreditation.
Wittenborg has AMBA Accreditation Intentions
It is the intention of WUAS Business School to work towards AMBA accreditation for its MBA programme. As a first step in this process WUAS signed up as a member of the AMBA Development Network, in 2017.
Quality improvement is important to the ethos of WUAS and, therefore, preparing for AMBA accreditation will be very beneficial for our students, professional and academic staff and other stakeholders.
WUP 16/10/2018
by James Wittenborg
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