Wittenborg University students enjoying life and culture in Shanghai, China


WUAS students enjoying life and culture in Shanghai, China

Hello everyone – here is our last 2 day report from the heat of Shanghai, China!

Saturday started as one of the hottest days so far. The bus picked us up at 09:30 so we were able to sleep until a little later than normal. We left with the bus to go to the Suburb Campus of Shanghai Business School. It was very busy on the highway so it took almost 1,5 hours extra to get there but most of us where sleeping so that wasn’t a problem at all:).

By the time we arrived all the Chinese students were waiting for our presentation so we didn't have much time to prepare. Veerle started with a little introduction about who we are, where we come from and what our plan was for the presentation. After Veerle’s introduction we divided the group into 2.

Wittenborg Students in Shanghai, 2014

Group 1 started with a presentation given by Lennart and Raymon about The Netherlands and study options in Holland. Group 2 began with a presentation from Veerle, Ragini, Rosine and Menna about the education system, insurance, visa permits, courses given at Wittenborg and scholarships.

After some time we switched the groups and did it all over again. All the students were really interested in the presentations and wanted to take a lot of pictures.

After the presentation we went to the second floor of the University canteen where they make much better food than on the first floor!!.

After lunch we went to the main building to meet up in a really plush conference room, where we sat down with the Dean of SBS and several students who had guided us through this amazing trip. We got a nice speech from the Dean and received our Certificate from the Shanghai Business School. As a surprise they gave us a beautiful small statue of all kinds of different gods and stories. Before we said goodbye to everyone we took a lot of photo's.

Wittenborg Students in Shanghai, 2014

Wittenborg Students in Shanghai, 2014Finally back in the hotel we decided to pack our bags and go straight to the restaurant; “Tepanyaki where we had a really good and extensive meal, since it would be our last.

As a good finish of a beautiful trip we obviously had to go to a local Chinese bar to celebrate the great journey we have made!

The trip home!

Sunday didn't really go as planned; however, we sure did have a happy ending to it!

Our day started off with checking out of the hotel. We were all already worn out from the day before because we decided to go out and see the night life of Shanghai, as students like to do!

We then headed out to the bus to go meet the families we were assigned to spend the day with. However, the directions were misleading and we spent over 3 hours on the road. Some of us napped and some just enjoyed the beautiful joy ride through the city of Shanghai.

The plan was to divide our group into two to visit a SBS's students' family. We had one group with the guys and the other with the girls. We dropped off the guys first and then drove for an hour to the other family, only to find out that we were heading to a different province where the family lived! As soon as we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by the family, who had home cooked meals ready for us and fruits and sweets everywhere. We took many pictures with the family and received much love.

Wittenborg Students in Shanghai, 2014

We have seen a different side of Shanghai.

The ladies visited a bit wealthier area. There was a beautiful view from their balcony.

WUAS Students in Shanghai, 2014 - Shanghai Tower View!

However, the guys had seen a different side of Shanghai, they had visited the old town and saw the beautiful old buildings and enjoyed the beautiful dancing.

WUAS Students in Shanghai, 2014WUAS Students in Shanghai, 2014

Sadly, we couldn't spend much time with the family because we had to go pick the guys up and head to the airport.

WUAS Students in Shanghai, 2014 - KLM Filght Delay

So the day continued as planned, we picked up the guys, headed over to the plane, and sealed our bags, only to find out the KLM flight was delayed. (Picture 7) The plane was not delayed for just an hour or two, the plane was actually delayed until the next morning. We were very disappointed.

However, when we were told KLM would provide a voucher for a meal at subway and accommodation till the next morning, we were slightly happy. Got our food and headed out to wait for the shuttle bus to take us to our hotel. On our way, thinking “oh god we hope this hotel will be good”, we finally arrive. Not only did everyone get their own room but also a comfy bed!

Overall, we got an extra day in Shanghai. Yes the last day might not have been properly planned and yes at some point we were we all exhausted from the heat, but sleeping within these comfy bed sheets made it all much better. (Picture 8) The day ended with excitement and laughs about the room, especially about the telephone in the bathroom. WUAS Students in Shanghai, 2014 - KLM Filght Delay - Great RoomGoodnight and see you all soon.

WUP 9/6/2014

Wittenborg Students in Shanghai, 2014

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by Wittenborg Students