Wittenborg Students Looking  Forward to a Summer of Beach, Music Festivals and Chinese Beer!


Wittenborg Students Looking Forward to a Summer of Beach, Music Festivals and Chinese Beer!Wittenborg Students Looking Forward to a Summer of Beach, Music Festivals and Chinese Beer!








School is out for summer and despite the fickle Dutch weather - ranging from heatwaves to storms and even ground frost – we continue to dream of beach parties, flip-flops, late-night concerts and ice-cream!

What will students from WUAS be doing this summer? While a good many will be hitting the road, whether to travel around in Europe or back to their home countries, others will stay put in Holland attending concerts and even working!

 Hanne GarvinkHanne Garvink from Norway will spent the summer in her hometown, Trondheim. “We have a holiday house there. I will spend time with my family and friends. I imagine there will be lots of swimming, fishing, relaxing and just enjoying the sun.





Nicola OjokiNicola Ojoki from South Sudan says he will working most of the summer. “I work part-time for a tailoring company that makes uniforms for restaurants.” He will also make time to go to a few music festivals later this summer. “I am part of a music group and play different instruments like drums and guitar.”




Jason He Wei Jason He Wei will go back to his home country, China, and can’t wait to see his family. “It gets very hot in my city, but luckily we have air conditioning. Besides traveling I don’t think I will be doing much other than playing video games and drinking Chinese beer!”





Melvis Tabe ObenMelvis Tabe Oben who lives in Spijkenisse says she will be looking for a job this summer. Oben has already lived in the Netherlands for years and can speak Dutch as well as French. “It is a real advantage in the job market if you can speak more than one language. You are truly international.” She will also spend time with her baby.




Diligent Vietnamese student Lam Tran Thao Ngoc will spend the holiday in the Netherlands. “I want to review my Dutch and also start preparing for the new academic year.  I will also read a lot of novels and listen to music. I love detective novels.





WUP 31/7/2015

©WUAS Press
by Anesca Smith