Wittenborg Students Learn to Manage their Student Housing


WUAS Housing in SpaceboxesStudents living in Wittenborg accommodation met their new housing manager assistants last week at the first tenants’ meeting of the new academic year. However, these three have been quietly doing their jobs for almost a month. In this interview, they introduce themselves and talk about the challenges of the first few weeks.

Priscilla Tetteh - WUAS managing assistant for PinksterbloemPriscilla Tetteh - managing assistant for Pinksterbloem

Where are you from and which International BBA-programme are you following?

I am from Accra, in Ghana, where my family still lives. My specialization is Marketing and Communication.

Why did you decide to study in the Netherlands and at Wittenborg?

Believe it or not, I chose the Netherlands because I heard it was quiet! People complain there is nothing to do in Apeldoorn, but I love the fact that there are no distractions from your studies. It is ideal.

Why were you interested in the job as housing manager assistant?

I think it is valuable experience. I like keeping my environment clean and neat - people should take pride in where they live and take care of their accommodation space in the same way they would of their own home in their country.

What does the job entail?

As housing assistants we have to welcome new students to the accommodation and show them around the neighbourhood, for instance where the shops are.

Is it tough to find private accommodation in Apeldoorn?

Very tough. Without the help of the school I think many people would have trouble trying to organize private accommodation from their home countries.

What were some of the more interesting experiences you’ve had so far?

I once waited up all night for a guy who was supposed to arrive at around midnight. He only showed up two days later! There was some misunderstanding about the time of his arrival.

Matthew Carter - WUAS assistant for the Spaceboxes and NieuwendijkMatthew Carter - assistant for the Spaceboxes and Nieuwendijk

Where are you from and which IBA-programme are you following?

I am from the UK and study Economics and Management

Why did you choose to study at Wittenborg?

I previously visited the school a few times after some research and thought it was a decent school to go to. Also, being able to start in February was crucial to me.

Why were you interested in the job as managing assistant?

I thought it would offer me a good opportunity to gain some crucial work experience and the tasks within the job seemed suitable to my skill set.

Are students tough customers to deal with?

No, they are not. As in any other case, if treat them with respect they shall treat you with respect too.

Have you had any interesting experiences on the job?

It is sometimes amusing to discover how little some of the students know about simple maintenance tasks! It has also been interesting to observe how Wittenborg takes care of its students with regard to finding them suitable accommodation.

Ishebo Twijukye - WUAS managing assistant for LekstraatIshebo Twijukye  - managing assistant for Lekstraat

Where are you from and which IBA-programme do you follow? I am from Uganda and study International Trade and Logistics.

Why were you interested in the job as managing assistant?

It sounded interesting. I thought the experience would be valuable and I can add it to my CV.

What does the job entail?

We help students living in the Wittenborg Accommodation in case of emergencies and we also have to receive new students, check them in and show them around. I look after 7 student houses in Lekstraat.

Did you have to interview for the job and was that tough?

Yes. But I am always good with interviews! Ha-ha.

What are the most common complaint about student accommodation?

The heating.

What are some of the more interesting experiences you’ve had so far?

Some people lodge unnecessary calls that are unrelated to the job. They want to have small-talk, but I tell them to keep strictly to business.

WUP 26/9/2013 

by Anesca Smith

©WUAS Press

Anesca Smith is a Final Year IBA Hospitality Management student and has been employed as a writer for Wittenborg since May this year. Anesca is a journalist, writing for newspapers in her native South Africa, however is looking forward to working in the hospitality industry. Find out more at http://anescasmith.com/