Wittenborg Participates in AACSB EMEA Conference

Event Offers Networking Opportunities and State-of-the-Art Knowledge on Current Education Trends
From 18 to 20 November, Wittenborg participated in AACSB’s Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Annual Conference in St. Julian’s, Malta. The school was represented by President Peter Birdsall and Rector Ron Tuninga, who took the opportunity to strengthen ties with higher education professionals from different countries and learn about the latest developments in the field.
More than 275 attendees, including deans, associate deans, department chairs and faculty gathered at the event. The discussions focused on how business schools are adapting to societal and technological changes and thriving despite the ongoing challenges posed by geopolitical events in the EMEA region. The programme included networking sessions, keynote speeches and workshops on topics such as AI-driven assessment and evaluation methods, incorporating generative AI into teaching and learning, insights from accreditation journeys and cultivating critical thinking leaders.
According to Birdsall, the atmosphere of the event was delightful, providing an opportunity to meet new faces and reconnect with old friends. “On top of that, the theme of the conference was both relevant and timely. AI is now a reality, representing a groundbreaking development in education. It’s essential for the industry to examine these new technologies and the opportunities and challenges they bring,” he summarised.
Tuninga emphasised that by attending events like this, Wittenborg and other institutions are working to build a network of business schools with a strong practical orientation. “It is always great to meet colleagues from the region and to understand the latest developments of business education in their respective countries and specific schools. These partnerships make all of us stronger,” he said.
WUP 10/12/2024
by Ulisses Sawczuk
©WUAS Press