"Wittenborg has a Good Reputation in My Country," Says New Student During Introduction Week


"Wittenborg has a Good Reputation in My Country," Says New Student During Introduction WeekAt least 23 new students will start with their classes on Monday at WUAS, representing 8 different nationalities.

"Wittenborg has a Good Reputation in My Country," Says New Student During Introduction Week

While many are yet to arrive, others enjoyed the fun of Introduction Week activities on Wednesday and Thursday, including a delicious lunch where they got to meet Wittenborg staff and fellow students. The new arrivals hail from Libya, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam and India. While many are yet to arrive, others enjoyed the fun of Introduction Week activities on Wednesday and Thursday, including a delicious lunch where they got to meet Wittenborg staff and fellow students.  The new arrivals hail from Libya, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam and India.



Anmol Pradhan from Nepal said he chose to study at Wittenborg after receiving recommendations about the university from friends back home. “Wittenborg is well-known in Nepal. After looking at the website I also liked the study environment and the fact that it is multi-cultural.” Anmol received direct entry for the final phase of Wittenborg’s IBA in Finance and Service Management. He arrived about a week ago in the Netherlands and says his first impressions are of a country with friendly people and “helpful housemates”. He is staying in Wittenborg’s student accommodation.

Anmol Pradhan from Nepal said he chose to study at Wittenborg after receiving recommendations about the university from friends back home. “Wittenborg is well-known in Nepal. After looking at the website I also liked the study environment and the fact that it is multi-cultural.” Anmol received direct entry for the final phase of Wittenborg’s IBA in Finance and Service Management. He arrived about a week ago in the Netherlands and says his first impressions are of a country with friendly people and “helpful housemates”. He is staying in Wittenborg’s student accommodation. Yousef Saadi from Libya was studying in Malta when he decided to switch to Wittenborg and he says this eased the visa procedure. He will do an IBA in Economics & Management. “Initially I considered the US, but did you know that once you start your studies there, it is much more difficult to travel between the US and home?” He also likes the fact that Wittenborg is situated in a small town.



"Wittenborg has a Good Reputation in My Country," Says New Student During Introduction Week

Basu Bhandari, also a new student from Nepal, did a BSc (Hons) in Computer Networks and IT Security in his home country before coming to Wittenborg where he will do an IBA in Economics & Management, entering in the final phase of the programme. “If I get a job opportunity in Holland after my studies, I will definitely stay here.” He finds Dutch education cheaper than in other Western countries and says that is one of the reasons he chose to study in Holland.


WUP 16/5/2015

by Anesca Smith
©WUAS Press