Wittenborg CEO: "I Never Had Any Doubt about Taking COVID-19 Vaccine"

Wittenborg CEO: "I Never Had Any Doubt about Taking COVID-19 Vaccine"

Wittenborg Staff Tell of Positive and Well-Organised Experience with Vaccination

Now that the Dutch COVID-19 vaccination programme is in full swing, we asked a couple of staff members who got the jab already - including Wittenborg CEO Maggie Feng - what the experience was like, why it was important for them to do it and the level of service received.  

Feng said she never had any doubts that she would take the vaccine once it became available as she has confidence in science and the way that the vaccine was developed, the rigorous standards it was held to and the fundamental research behind it. "The vaccine is the only way out of the current height of the pandemic and protecting others," Feng said.

Under normal circumstances, vaccines take years to develop, but scientists used prior knowledge to develop safe and effective vaccines in just under a year by simultaneously starting all the necessary steps - including animal testing, two phases of human clinical trials and manufacturing.

Wittenborg CEO: "I Never Had Any Doubt about Taking COVID-19 Vaccine"

Feng also said the Netherlands was lucky in having its medical experts appear regularly in the media and on talk shows to counter scepticism about the vaccine. "Sometimes scientists do not have the skill to communicate their knowledge, but I feel we were lucky to have people that spoke with confidence and from the heart in a very relatable manner."

Feng had her vaccination in the south of Amsterdam where Wittenborg's Amsterdam campus is also located and said the jab itself was a breeze. "There was a real feeling of community - that we are all in this together - on the day I was there. People were waving and smiling - as much as you can smile through a mask - and it was very well organised."

Wittenborg Head of School of Business Dr Rauf Abdul said the vaccination centre provided clear information and everything was excellently arranged. "There were staff members around to control the traffic of people - useful during rush hours. On the confirmation letter there was a note that your registration card cannot be used as an official proof of vaccination."

Wittenborg President Peter Birdsall said he was amazed at how organised and efficient the Dutch Public Health Service (GGD) was in administering the vaccination. "On the other hand, I suppose it took them 9 million jabs to practise with before I got there."

Wittenborg Project Week teacher Samantha Birdsall said she had both her vaccinations in May already as she belongs to a risk group. "It was so well organised and there was hardly any delay."

WUP 18/6/2021
by Anesca Smith
©WUAS Press