Wittenborg in Amsterdam: Young Entrepreneur wants to Help Businesses Profit from Smart Social Media Strategies


Imagine a life where you wake up every single morning inspired. Japanese even has a word for it – ikigai – which means a reason to live.

That is the philosophy behind Wittenborg student Ritchie Doove’s company, Crabstick Media, that helps businesses profit from digital marketing in several ways. Essentially, Doove wants to help business owners build their companies in such a way that they and their employees are excited about going to work.

“Environment is key if you want to achieve anything”
Born in Leiden and raised in Noordwijk, Doove was part of Wittenborg's first intake of students at its programme in Amsterdam, which it opened in September 2015, offering the IBA specialisation in Entrepreneurship & Small Business.

“I chose Wittenborg because I wanted a practical education and liked the idea of being around people who have a similar mindset. Environment is key if you want to achieve anything.
Doove is the director of start-up company Crabstick Media, which was started in 2017.  The company manages and creates impactful social media content for businesses, helps them figure out which social media channels are most fitting and optimal times for posting, as well as meaningful engagement with social media communities.

“I don’t want to work with companies that sell rubbish to other people”
Integrity is super important for Doove: “I work with people who not only want to build businesses, but also believe in their products. I don’t want to work with people who sell rubbish to others. I want to help them achieve a common goal. In that way I also grow as a person and professional. I think it’s a nice trade-off.”

Doove was not born into a family of entrepreneurs. “What helped me was being aware that you must find a goal. Look and you shall find. It’s what gets me up in the morning.

“I also read a lot to gain information and understanding. The ability to understand what other people want, and caring about that, is key – not just pretending that you care. William James, the American psychologist and philosopher, said: 'The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.’

“In Holland you have no excuse not to pursue your dreams”
“In the Netherlands there are so many opportunities. For instance, access to the internet is widely available, there is abundant capital, wide support from the Dutch government, and we are surrounded by educated people. So there is really no excuse not to try and pursue your dreams.”

WUP 13/6/2017

by Anesca Smith
©WUAS Press