Students Make a Strong Start at Block 5 Introduction Week 2023

Internationals recruited from all over the world
Starting 30 January, Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences welcomed a new group of students for its Block 5 introduction week. Students from different corners of the world travelled to Wittenborg's campuses in Apeldoorn, Amsterdam and Munich to meet each other and staff members and learn what to expect at their new place of study. The new generation of students is the first to have the privilege of living in the new student apartment complex at De Ruyterstraat 5. Sophia Faraji, Wittenborg's Student Career Coordinator, led an introductory seminar and said, "Students are very happy with the facilities in De Ruyterstraat building."
The introduction week is an important event for Wittenborg as it provides a platform for new students to get to know the campus, its people and available resources. It was an excellent opportunity for the new students to meet their fellow students and make new friends.
The week ended with a lunch organised to welcome new students to campus. The event was held in Wittenborg's cafeteria at the Brinklaan building and was attended by both new and returning students, as well as faculty members and staff, where they had the opportunity to eat delicious sandwiches that were even carefully curated to suit different tastes and dietary needs. While the students, faculty and staff enjoyed their lunch, Wittenborg's CEO Maggie Feng shared some wise words with the new generation of students: "Try to be a good person. Greet the cleaners in the school, wish people a good day on the bus and train. In this way you acknowledge their hard work, so that one day your hard work will also be recognised."

New experiences and new environment
It was a great success, with a large turnout of students and faculty members. There was a festive atmosphere in the air as students took their first step into the world of Wittenborg. "I am looking forward to new experiences and getting comfortable in a new environment," said Wittenborg student Kshitij Burman from India, who is starting his MBM specialisation in Events. "I chose Wittenborg because they are the only school in the Netherlands that offers a master's programme in the field of work in which I graduated."
Atefe Sheikholeslami from Iran chose Wittenborg because of its many entry points: "It has six entry points and has a great international orientation. I work in finance alongside my studies, so I am really looking forward to completing my MBM with a specialisation in Finance and developing my skillset," she says.
The students had a great experience with the introduction week, "It was overwhelming and had a lot to take in. It felt like everything we did or what was said was vital to understand," says Kshitji.
The introduction week at Wittenborg was an enjoyable and memorable event that helped to welcome new students to the campus. Wittenborg's commitment to fostering a welcoming and supportive environment was evident, and the students appreciated the opportunity to get to know each other and begin their experience as members of the Wittenborg family on a positive note.
WUP 14/02/2023
by Niels Otterman and Olivia Nelson
©WUAS Press