SDG Action Day at Spoorstraat a Hit

Coming Together as a Community
On Saturday, 24 September, Wittenborg's Spoorstraat location was the site of a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Action Days open event. The meeting was part of SDG Action Days 2022, which took place across the Netherlands. The occasion on the 24th was organised by Gelre Regio Partners, and was attended by members of organisations including Accres, the Province of Gelderland, the Municipality of Apeldoorn, the Municipality of Epe, KleinGeluk, Foenix Kringloop, students from a local primary and secondary school and more. Social Entrepreneur and Chairman of Gelre Association International, Simon Boon, was also in attendance.
Wittenborg thanks all who attended for coming and providing important insights into regional answers for the United Nation's SDGs.

Making the World Better
Those present could also witness how normal members of Dutch society think about issues of equality and sustainability. Wittenborg students who attended the event got the chance to connect with important stakeholders from around the country they now call home, and together, those present were tasked with trying to answer the question: ‘Hoe verbeteren we de wereld?’ (Translation: How do we make the world better?) Attendees were asked to focus their answers around issues of climate change, sustainability, inequalities, gender and the betekeniseconomie (meaningful economy). The meeting was a unique opportunity for international students to meet members of social organisations and the business sector within the Gelderland region.
All who were asked about the event agreed it was a positive and constructive atmosphere, which fostered friendly relations between all organisations present.
Wittenborg looks forward to deeper partnerships with those who attended the SDG Action Day at Spoorstraat. We also hope that our students as well as Apeldoorn community stakeholders will recognise the opportunities in collaboration between individuals and groups from different backgrounds to pursue a better world. Only together will the world be able to realise the United Nation's SDGs and improve society at large.
WUP 29/9/2022
by Olivia Nelson
©WUAS Press