Pathway of the European Bachelor International Hospitality Management

EuroBAThis course is a unique opportunity for students to engage in a truly European BA award that is learnt both in the workplace and by attendance at three internationally recognised higher education institutes. The curriculum and its delivery is designed to reflect the needs of the hospitality industry for a flexible and innovative workforce, able to meet the ever changing demands of the marketplace.

EuroBA Students at the University of BrightonThe EuroBA is a three year Bachelor degree programme in International Hospitality Management and is offered by a consortium of five European Hotel, Hospitality and Management Schools, based in five different European countries.

Wittenborg University students who start this pathway of the Bachelor International Hospitality Management will study Year 1 at Wittenborg in Apeldoorn, followed by Year 2 at Angell Academy in Freiburg, Germany and then follow the first semester of the final year at the University of Brighton in Eastbourne, the UK, before returning to Wittenborg in Holland to graduate. Graduates will receive both the University of Brighton BA Hons and the Dutch NVAO accredited IBA Hospitably Management degrees.