More than 100 Students Attend Wittenborg’s Summer Jam

More than 100 Students Attend Wittenborg’s Summer Jam

Event Included Singing, Dancing, Drinks and Snacks

To celebrate the great weather and get people ready for summer, Wittenborg organised the Summer Jam party for 106 students and five staff members on 3 June at the popular Schenkers café in Apeldoorn. The sunny and warm evening was filled with singing, dancing, lively chats and laughs, and all attendants were offered drinks and snacks.

During the party, a DJ played songs requested by the students – encompassing music from multiple countries and styles – and people had the opportunity to indulge in karaoke singing. Moreover, the venue included an outdoor area where students could enjoy the sun.

Support Office & External Relations Coordinator Sophia Faraji, who organised the activity, explained that based on student feedback on previous events, this year’s Summer Jam was scheduled for a date and time that was convenient for students. “This time, we chose a day on which students were physically present at the school and the party started right after their classes, so it was easy for them to join and we had a great number of attendants. The Summer Jam went beyond my expectations, and I was very happy to see that the students really enjoyed it; we received many positive comments after the event.”

More than 100 Students Attend Wittenborg’s Summer Jam

Beatriz Soares, an MBM student from Brazil specialising in Entrepreneurship & Innovation, described the event as “amazing”, adding that it gave her the chance to meet many new people. “I participated in the karaoke and it was lots of fun; we sang a famous Brazilian song that everybody knew. I am looking forward to more events like this because Wittenborg is an awesome school, full of great people, and it is always cool to socialise with the others,” she highlighted.

According to Iranian MBA student Amin Nadervandi, who is pursuing a degree in International Management, the Summer Jam was a wonderful opportunity to relax and chill with classmates, as well as make new friends. “The atmosphere was really cosy and nice, and the moment was ideal because we had just finished most of our exams,” he pointed out.

WUP 18/6/2022
by Ulisses Sawczuk
©WUAS Press

More than 100 Students Attend Wittenborg’s Summer Jam
More than 100 Students Attend Wittenborg’s Summer Jam
More than 100 Students Attend Wittenborg’s Summer Jam