Meet Sadaf Bafandeh

Sadaf Bafandeh

Meet Sadaf Bafandeh, a Wittenborg student in Human Resources Management (HRM). Originally from Iran, Sadaf brings a wealth of experience and a strong academic background.

Before joining Wittenborg, Sadaf gained an MSc in Business Administration from Tehran. Her academic journey has equipped her with crucial skills in teamwork, problem solving and critical thinking – essential for success in human resource management.

Sadaf chose to specialise in HRM due to her ability to bridge business objectives with effective people management. She is committed to creating positive work environments that foster engagement and drive performance. Her goal is to contribute meaningfully to the success of both individuals and organisations.

Her previous experience has honed her ability to anticipate potential issues, evaluate multiple perspectives and make informed decisions, all of which are vital for managing conflict and implementing innovative HR strategies.

In her future career, Sadaf is looking for general HR positions where she can use her adaptability and conflict resolution skills. To stay current in her field, she follows courses and YouTube channels.

Sadaf's friends describe her as collaborative, engaging and empathetic.

To connect with Sadaf and learn more about her professional journey, visit her LinkedIn profile