An International Business Administrator - a global outlook! (HM)

The hospitality industry is an outward looking global sector that is rapidly expanding across the world

“An international business administration professional will develop into a career person who is able to organise, develop products, services and policies, instigate and execute policies, perform under stress, control processes, analyse organisation traits, utilise human resources and plan their management, motivate staff and personnel, manage financial information, use information effectively, plan and organise campaigns, understand internal and external markets, interact with the surroundings, network, manage chains, communicate effectively, show leadership skills, manage meetings, present ideas, sell ideas and products, speak and write at least the English language, participate in company and organisation decision making and understand local and international cultures and the effects these have on the organisation and the individual.”

“Business Administrators can operate in financial or technical environments but also management and leadership settings and a combination of these. They must understand the need for leadership and motivating people. They must understand the impact of change and the need for innovation. The Business Administrator will understand the need for good communication skills and have a good understanding of society, economics and sustainability. Understanding the need for stable and solid management within a company, large or small is important. A business person in modern day Europe needs to be able to communicate with people across the continent and across the world, and requires the ability to understand the effects of national and international governments on the business ventures they are involved in.

“An MBA qualified Business Administrator is specifically able to manage a number of complex and integrated business operations within an international or a local setting, at both a tactical and strategic level, using skills and competencies that require a capability of inter-disciplinary thinking. They will show the ability to combine solid research and critical analysis skills to develop an organisation’s corporate strategy within its business and cultural domain.”