International Academic Advisory Panel to Meet with New Chair Timothy Mescon

Future of Wittenborg
On Saturday, 18 March, Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences' International Academic Advisory Panel (IAAP) will hold an important meeting regarding the school's academic trajectory in the coming years. Remarkably – among current members of the IAAP – present at the meeting will be Tim Mescon, whom former IAAB chair, Ron Tuninga is amicably replacing at the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). During his time at the AACSB, Mescon successfully established the organisation's Amsterdam office in 2014, and managed to increase membership by 60% in the EMEA. The meeting will benefit from Mescon's expertise in international education and quality management, as Mescon is set to take over as chair of the IAAB. He will be joining Petra C. de Weerd-Nederhof.
Last year, Ron Tuninga was appointed to the AACSB as Vice President and Managing Director of Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), a role he will surely excel in. Wittenborg is happy to see a long-time friend pursue new ways to positively impact the world of education across the EMEA region.
When it comes to plans for the future of Wittenborg's Advisory Board (AB), there is a strong emphasis on ushering in a new generation of members. By the end of 2023, Wittenborg seeks to replace each of the original members, who have served since 2013. The new AB will serve to guide the school's next stage of development over the coming years.
The IAAB and AB
The IAAP of Wittenborg is a group of ten education professionals, including professors from six business schools across three continents. The role of the IAAP is to ensure proper academic oversight, with an emphasis on the evaluation and development of new programmes, monitoring trends, education strategies, accreditation and topics specific to Wittenborg. The IAAP meets regularly throughout the year.
Wittenborg's AB is a body consisting of at least four members who represent the following areas: Academics & Quality, Finance & Risk Control, Governance & Policy, and Strategy & Branding. Membership to the AB must be balanced to reflect the diversity of Wittenborg's stakeholders and, as of 2023, a member may only serve for a maximum of six years. Members are expected to attend three AB meetings per year, as well as various Wittenborg events and celebrations. Over the years, the AB's role has seen emerging prominence.
Wittenborg is esteemed to have a figure such as Mr Mescon as a member of the team. The school looks forward to seeing all the ways Mr Mescon will improve operations at the IAAB and AB, and take Wittenborg to new heights in the world of international higher education.
WUP 22/02/2023
by Olivia Nelson
©WUAS Press