Students who choose the Bachelor of International Business Administration pathway of Entrepreneurship & Small Business are often interested in starting their own company at the end of their studies. This Wittenborg Universty EBA degree programme is challenging and fully packed with business and entrepreneurship projects based on the format used in the well known BBC series The Apprentice.
The Entrepreneurship programme is for students who know that they would like to start and run their own business, and who want the support and tools that a Bachelor programme in Entrepreneurship and SME Management can give them. Students will be required to have an international outlook, and speak good English.
These students will have ambition, optimism and good general communication skills. They will be imaginative, artistic, conceptual thinkers and have good social networks.
The EBA pathway will enable future entrepreneurs to more readily adapt to the changing environment, through the use of their learned skills, competencies and knowledge, thus also maximizing the avoidance of company failure. In cases where companies do fail, trained entrepreneurs will be more capable of ensuring continuation than those who are not specifically educated in the field of entrepreneurship.
Wittenborg Business School has developed a unique programme called Entreprenerial Business Administration, which has been accredited by the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (see Benefits of FIBAA Accrediation). The EBA will replace the IBA specialisation in September 2013, and current students will be able to switch from IBA to EBA..
Please contact us for more information regarding applications.