Carlos Roos, PhD

Carlos Roos, PhD

Assistant Professor of Applied Sciences

Country of Origin



By appointment


Carlos Roos, PhD, holds a Licentiate Degree in Arts from Universidad Central de Venezuela, as well as an MA in Philosophy and a PhD in Creative and Performing Arts from Leiden University. He is a scholar committed to transdisciplinary research and education with an emphasis on the creative industries. He has published over 10 research entries in peer-reviewed journals and serves as executive editor of Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication. With 8+ years of teaching experience in higher education, he has developed 17 syllabi and taught over 45 university courses to native and non-native English speakers based on face-to-face, online and hybrid methods. At Wittenborg, Carlos is a part-time lecturer in Business Philosophy for the IBA programme.

Teaching Domains

Creative Industries

Media Communications

Political Economy

Cultural Musicology

Research Domains

Creative Industries

Communication Theory

Aesthetics and Art Theory

Industrial Domains

Cultural Management

Music Production

Film Festivals