Apeldoorn Student Sold on Wittenborg after Attending Open Day


Apeldoorn-Student-Sold-on-Wittenborg-after-Attending-Open-Day-1When it came to choosing a university, Dutch student Eefje Slootweg, did not stray far from her hometown, Apeldoorn, after attending one of WUAS’ Open Days in 2017. 

“I chose Wittenborg because it is a private institute and international at the same time. I went to a private school and from my own experience, classes at these institutions are generally smaller, so you have better contact with lecturers. At the same time, I was interested in studying in an international environment, which has definitely improved my English. So far Wittenborg has even exceeded my expectations – the cultural diversity is higher than I anticipated.”

Eefje is doing an IBA in Marketing & Communication at Wittenborg, though she considered a teaching degree programme at first. “I worked at Albert Heijn supermarket and discovered that marketing and communication suits me very well, which is why I applied for the programme here. And it is even better than I expected – the level of cultural diversity is even higher.”

She also finds the workload manageable and the lecturers well-qualified. “The material is clear and I know what to do. It has definitely improved my English.”

After her studies Eefie would like to work for a big company in the Netherlands. 

WUP 20/1/2018

by Anesca Smith

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