Wittenborg's Partner in Shanghai Celebrates 70th Anniversary

"International Cooperation and Globalisation Now more Important than Ever": Peter Birdsall
WUAS chair of the executive board, Peter Birdsall, has congratulated academic partner the Shanghai Business School (SBS) in China on its 70th anniversary with a personal video message.
Wittenborg has had a partnership with SBS for almost a decade and for Wittenborg students one of the highlights of the academic year is the opportunity for an annual trip to Shanghai where they spend a week in the city, including time at SBS, to enrich their cultural knowledge. In turn, SBS students can study at Wittenborg through Credit Transfer agreements that allow them to take their credits back to Shanghai for graduation.
Birdsall, who like the majority of Wittenborg staff has been working from home the past few weeks, said 70 years in education is a "remarkable achievement".
"We wish Shanghai Business School warm congratulations. Seventy years in education – that is a remarkable achievement and we are very proud to celebrate this with you. Our relationship goes back 10 years already and we've had many successful student exchanges – with students from China coming to study in the Netherlands and our students enjoying time in Shanghai.
"We look forward to carrying on our relationship with you. Especially after these dark times, looking forward to working together again." Birdsall said Wittenborg is also looking forward to working with SBS staff and management in developing and improving international higher education. "We understand even more now how important international relations and globalisation are in making the world a success, and making the future of our students bright.
"In recent years Wittenborg has been developing its research environment and we strongly believe that good international teaching and education is a combination of practitioners and of good teachers, but also in combination with research."
WUP 10/5/2020
by James Wittenborg
©WUAS Press