Wittenborg Students in Georgia

"This Trip was a True International Experience."
Four international students from WUAS just spent a week in Georgia, courtesy of the European Commission's Erasmus + programme where they learned about sustainable practices and what cultural exchange really means.
The four - Yuji Taike (Japan), Witney Laizer (Tanzania), Kossi Hilaire Aziamale (Togo) and Samiya Tazrin (Bangladesh) - were joined by students from Greece, Georgia, Spain and the Ukraine. The trip was organised by Wittenborg alumnus Serge Gwabene through his social enterprise Stichting Codine.
According to Witney they had a great time and learned a lot. "We spent most of our time in a small city, Nokalakevi, but also visited the capital Tbilisi. It was also my first time camping! It was scary in the beginning, but did a lot for the coherence in the group and for team building. We not only learned together, but also socialised and spent our free time together. It was a true international experience. And Georgia is beautiful - the best thing about it was the food!"

The Youth Exchange Project focus on sustainability issues and facilitating intercultural dialogue. Students learned about global health issues such as HIV, cultural differences, society's minority groups and fostering understanding by way of making films, take photos and writing exercises as well as dialogue. There was also plenty of time to enjoy Georgia's attractions and take part in sport activities.
WUP 30/7/2018
by James Wittenborg
©WUAS Press