Wittenborg Ready for New Students

Wittenborg Ready for New Students

New Improvements to Introduction Day Programme

A 3-day Introduction Week programme for new students will kick off on Wednesday at WUAS. International students already started arriving three weeks ago in the Netherlands and have been busy settling into their new accommodation.

During Introduction Week new students learn different aspects of academic and student life and, for international students, about life in the Netherlands.

Wittenborg’s office manager, Pauline Wendt, said it was all systems go. “One of the changes we made this year is to split the introduction programme over three days, which means new students have more time to get to know their new environments and meet members of staff.”

Day 1, Wednesday, is not compulsory for new Dutch students as the programme will be dedicated to informing international students about legal and administrative obligations that are required for their stay in the Netherlands. On Day 2, Thursday, there will be a lunch with staff, and students will also get to meet their academic and process tutors for one-to-one sessions.

Students will also get a tour of their new facilities at Wittenborg’s two buildings in Apeldoorn and a tour of the city centre. They will end the day with a bowling evening at the local bowling centre.

Day 3, Friday, is reserved for IBA students to do the English diagnostic test, and instruction on how to use the Harvard referencing system.

WUP 28/08/2018

by James Wittenborg
©WUAS Press