Wittenborg attends the opening of a project at the new Apeldoorn Business Campus, that has a real life Wittenborg Project Week behind it!


Opening of a project at the new Apeldoorn Business CampusThe new Apeldoorn Business Campus, part of a project dreamt up by a Wittenborg student in 2012 is situated in the building formally base to Achmea Insurance. Two years ago, Wittenborg students were involved in a project to suggest new alternative uses for this large and renowned piece of late 20th century Dutch architecture!

Wittenborg-attends-the-opening-of-a-project-at-the-new-Apeldoorn-Business-CampusOne of the solutions that has been implemented is the idea to create a “Business Campus” that suggests the combining of entrepreneurship and innovation with education in a “campus:” setting.  Today’s event surrounded the launching of Apeldoorn’s version of “VentureLab”, a project that runs throughout the Netherlands under the flag of the University of Twente, a top research University based in Enschede on the eastern Dutch border.

Venturelab will support budding young entrepreneurs in the Business Campus with workshops in the area of strategies for innovation and entrepreneurship, although not in operation business administration, which could be an opportunity for Wittenborg to lend a hand, according to Wittenborg’s lecturer, and business developer, Alexander Bauer PhD, who attended the event.

For the original article about the project that became the Apeldoorn Business Campus see: A real-life business project for Wittenborg students (14/02/2012). - the article is about a project started by Wittenborg students in 2011 to look at a re-generation of the building by its owners TCN: 

The winning group of the TCN Real Estate Project was the group calling themselves ‘Novarum’. Marketing and Communication student Débora Heiderich was the project leader. “It was an amazing project - real-life, which made it very interesting. We came up with a business incubator that could stimulate people to come up with new ideas themselves in a creative environment. I believe it’s a good concept for Apeldoorn, where many people start their own business. It is a great experience to work with external parties and I’ve learned a lot. Real-life projects are more than welcome.”

WUP 9/10/2014

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by the Wittenborg Team

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