Prof. Dr Ed Vosselman

Prof. Dr Ed Vosselman

International Academic Advisory Panel Member

Country of Origin



By Appointment


Prof. Dr Ed Vosselman, member of the International Academic Advisory Panel, finished his career at Radboud University in the Netherlands where he obtained the position of Emeritus Professor in 2019. He has published in leading scientific journals, amongst them Accounting, Organisations and Society; Human Relations; Journal of Business Ethics; Management Accounting Research and Accounting and Business Research. Before he was appointed a professor at Radboud University he was a Professor of Accounting at Erasmus University (1997-2005), where between 1998-2000 he was the programme director of the Executive Master in Finance and Control (EMFC) programme, and where between 2001-2004 he was the Dean of the Faculty of Economics. He was a member of Fortis Insurance's audit committee from 2002 until 2006.

Between 2008-2018, he chaired the ‘Quality Assurance Committee’ of the Association of Chartered Controllers in the Netherlands. Moreover, he was a president of NOBEM, a Dutch organisation of researchers in Business Administration and Business Economics. He was a member of the Scientific Counsel for the Maintenance of DBC’s (DiagnoseBehandelCombinaties, Diagnoses-Related Groups) in the Netherlands and a member of advisory boards with Yacht and the University of Applied Science (the Hague). Currently, he is chairman of the ‘Committee Innovation in Supervision’ at the Nederlandse Vereniging van Toezichthouders in de Zorg (Dutch Association of Supervisors in Health Care) and an external member of the audit committee of the Dutch Royal Library (Koninklijke Bibliotheek).

He has supervised seventeen PhD-students in the Netherlands. His current research focuses on management control/performance management in the public sector and accounting.

Teaching Domains

Management Accounting

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting

Organisational Economics


Research Domains

Control and Trust

The Performativity of Accounting

Industrial Domains

Public Sector Organisations (Health Care, Education)

High Tech (NXP)

Research Profile