Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences Press(WUAS Press)This is an overview of the news published on the Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences website and Wittenborg Online!
Mr. Fred de Graaf, President of the Senate of the Dutch Parliament reveals Wittenborg University’s 25th Anniversary logo23.08.2012
Welcome day for new students in Apeldoorn, organised by an association of education instiutes and the municipality of Apeldoorn.22.08.2012
Debbie Kuang Fund - Wittenborg University to offer 6 OTS scholarships to Chinese students in 2013-201417.08.2012
Wittenborg University students not affected by Longterm Study Fine: Possibly more than 2000 students (5%) to drop out of their studies at InHolland University this year14.08.2012
EU Loans in the UK - 42 per cent of EU students liable to repay are currently not keeping up with repayments10.08.2012