Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences Press(WUAS Press)This is an overview of the news published on the Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences website and Wittenborg Online!
Students to develop a marketing and sales plan for a new book, entitled A Scotch Odyssey - The Distilleries of the Highlands and Islands by Vespa19.09.2013
Master of Science Programmes 2013-2014 Start-up week at Wittenborg University with a most international mix! 16.09.2013
Wittenborg University Board welcomes new students and launches the start of the new academic year. 06.09.2013
New students to Apeldoorn were treated to a fun introduction day organized by “What’s Apeldoorn” on Friday.02.09.2013
Wittenborg University’s partner in Germany, ANGELL Business School, will host the 2013 EuroCHRIE Conference26.08.2013