Women In Tech® Netherlands Event at Wittenborg Amsterdam Recognises Iranian Talent

Empowerment Through Education
On, Monday 19 September, Wittenborg's Amsterdam campus was proud to host part of day-one of the Women In Tech® Europe Awards 2022. At the celebration, Wittenborg staff and students in Amsterdam got the chance to connect with inspirational professional women. This included Ayumi Moore Aoki, founder and CEO of Women In Tech® Global, and President of Women In Tech® Netherlands, Dr Cara Antoine.
The occasion was particularly special for Wittenborg, which offers the Tech Women MBA Scholarship in partnership with Women in Tech® Netherlands. The Tech Women MBA Scholarship seeks to increase the representation of women in top positions. Currently within the EU, women are underrepresented in ICT as well as managerial or leadership positions, tending to learn less income annually than men in similar roles. Via the Tech Women Scholarship programme, Wittenborg incentivises women to enter the fields of Data Analytics and Digital Transformation, bridging the gender gap in these areas.

Recognising Iranian Talent
During the Women In Tech® Europe Awards 2022, Wittenborg was honoured to hand out this scholarship to three academics, each of them Iranian women. While two of the scholarship awardees were present, a third could not attend. Nevertheless, she was part of a new wave of women's empowerment at Wittenborg. The Tech Women MBA Scholarship that these intelligent women received will endow them with the know-how to create a name for themselves – as well as a significant change – within the professional world at large.
Wittenborg looks forward to seeing how these women take advantage of their education and wishes them success in their endeavours.

Learning from the Best
Throughout the event, those present got to mingle with Aoki and Antoine, and other inspiring businesswomen who spoke with attendees about their personal journeys. Aoki and Antoine also gave advice to the established as well as budding professional women in attendance. Following the event, Antoine highlighted the diversity and inclusion efforts of Wittenborg's own CEO – and fellow member of SER Topvrouwen – Maggie Feng via social media.
Wittenborg looks forward to seeing its partnership with Women in Tech® flourish, ushering in a new wave of competent, educated women professionals from across the globe. Together, we will make a real difference in the lives of girls and women who may not otherwise get the opportunities and guidance they need to find success in their careers. Wittenborg also thanks Ayumi Moore Aoki and Dr Cara Antoine for their support and good will. We hope to meet again in the future to exchange more insights and support between women professionals and those entering the fields of technology and business.
WUP 26/09/2022
by Olivia Nelson
©WUAS Press