Wittenborg Students can Now Study in Germany Too

Wittenborg and NEC "Share Common Philosophy on Future of Students and Education"
WUAS has added German city, Munich, as a study destination for its students - this is in addition to its main campus in Apeldoorn, another in Amsterdam and one in Vienna.
NEC managing director, Sascha Liebhardt, with Wittenborg's Florian Oosterberg and Myra Qiu.
This follows an agreement with New European College (NEC) in Munich, which will see the two institutions partnering up, allowing prospective students to complete a full Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), MBA or Master of Business Management (MBM) programme in the bustling German city.
“We have wanted to expand our programmes to Germany for some time,” said Wittenborg’s chair of the executive board, Peter Birdsall. Under Dutch law, Wittenborg is entitled to engage another operating entity, like NEC in this case, to deliver its programmes at a campus other than the main campus in Apeldoorn. Its programmes are accredited by both NVAO (the Netherlands and Flemish Accreditation Organisation) and FIBAA, the German, Austrian and Swiss accreditiation body.
The managing director of NEC, Sascha Liebhardt, said "coming together was the logical consequence" after some discussions with Birdsall about creating a focused learning environment that prepares students for their future. "We share a a common philosophy on the future of our students and a contemporary academic approach to higher business education."
According to Wittenborg’s senior admissions officer, Florian Oosterberg, the plan is to start admitting students by October this year. “NEC is already a very international institution. Their team is used to working with international diplomas and familiar with immigration processes. When we went to Munich to visit them in May, I was impressed with how driven and motivated the team is. The cooperation has been going very well.”
NEC offers Bachelor, Master and MBA programmes in International Management & Business in Munich – all fully taught in English.
Munich consistently ranks as one of the top European cities in terms of quality of life and professional competitiveness. It also has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe with international companies like BMW, Siemens, and football club Bayern München calling it home.
WUP 23/08/2019
by James Wittenborg
©WUAS Press