Wittenborg Research Centre Hosts Digital Skills Workshop as part of INFLUERA project

Promoting and fostering entrepreneurial skills for digital influencers
On 19 June, Wittenborg Research Centre hosted a Digital Skills workshop as part of the Erasmus+ funded project 2021-2-PL01-KA210-YOU-000049841 “Entrepreneurial Toolkit for the Digital Influencer’’ (INFLUERA). Wittenborg is a project partner alongside three other partner organisations from three countries: Fundacja Eduvibes (Poland), Social Cooperative Enterprise Drosostalida (Greece), and Tum Engelliler Kultur Sanat Dayanisma ve Spor Dernegi (Turkey).

The INFLUERA project aims to equip young people (aged between 18-30 years) with the emerging skills needed for being successful in the digital entrepreneurial sector in order to improve youth employability opportunities. This will be carried out through the creation of a number of project outputs, namely: a mapping of digital influencers to highlight their success stories so young people can better understand this professional role, an innovative training kit on social media literacy which will be available online, and finally a trainer handbook providing guidance on how to become a digital influencer.

Aydan Holtrigter, EU Project Manager, and Arman Toni, Research Centre Assistant Intern, delivered the Digital Skills workshop, which took place in person at the Spoorstraat Building and was open to the public as well as to WUAS students and staff. The participants were told about the benefits of fostering their digital skills to shape their profiles on social media platforms, be it Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok. They were also given some tips on how to boost their employability through their digital activities. Through interactive and creative group exercises, all participants, including students, teachers and trainers from different industries, left the workshop with a strong understanding of how to be an effective digital influencer in today’s digital world.
For more information on the INFLUERA project, please visit Wittenborg’s INFLUERA project webpage.
WUP 21/8/2023
by Selina White
©WUAS Press