Press Release: Project IQAinAR Resumption of Work

Supporting the enhancement and development of quality assurance in higher education
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences is happy to officially announce that it has received formal notification of the decision of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) that work on project 619477-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Enhancement of internal quality assurance of education in teaching, learning and assessment in HEIs of Azerbaijan and Russia (‘’IQAinAR”) can resume. The project works on IQAinAR, which began in January 2021, were paused in February 2022 due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
For project works to resume, an amendment request was required, submitted and ultimately approved by EACEA in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2022/576 of 8 April 2022.
Therefore, for the IQAinAR project to continue, the consortium had to be reformed and the project redesigned. As a result, IQAinAR now has a national focus on assurance of quality education in higher education institutions in Azerbaijan. The project now comprises a new consortium, made up of seven partners from three countries: Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences and 456 International BV from The Netherlands, Fundación Universitaria San Antonio from Spain, and Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Nakhchivan State University, Azerbaijan Technical University and the Education Quality and Assurance Agency of Republic of Azerbaijan.
The project duration has been extended until 14 January 2025. In June, the first online meeting of the new consortium will be held to discuss the project structure, dissemination, quality assurance and works distribution. The first physical meeting of the consortium members will be scheduled after the summer break in Baku, Azerbaijan.
For more information on the project works completed to date, please visit the official project website, the project Facebook page and Twitter page.
WUP 12/06/2023
by Selina White
©WUAS Press