George Bosire, MBA

George Bosire, MBA, Lecturer
Country of Origin
By appointment

George Bosire, MBA, is a highly analytical, adaptable and result-driven individual who believes in cross-border business integration and linkages that promote shared long-term advantages amongst players in an increasingly connected global business. He attained a certified Public Accountancy qualification in Kenya, Financial Management in Dublin, Ireland, Finance and Control in the Netherlands and an MBA from the UK.

He has hands-on experience gained from various companies, including Firestone Industrial Products BV, Fair Food International, Vatax consultants and Kenya Tea Development Agency. He is ambitious with proven experience of working in multidisciplinary environments, focusing on problem solving and value addition. George has been a lecturer and researcher at Han University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, teaching business processes and finance modules. He is currently lecturing at Wittenborg and doing his PhD with research focused on supply chain finance.  

As a believer of a green world, he conducted research on green energy which resulted to alternative solutions of utilising hot waste water as a resource to generate heating for Bel Leerdammer cheese factory in Dalfsen, the Netherlands. He has led and organised business conferences on currency stability in the context of the global financial crisis at Han University of Applied Sciences and on leadership and innovation at Greenwich University, UK. 

Teaching Domains
Business strategy
Business processes and analysis
Business processes and analysis
Project management
Financial & Risk Management