Course structure - Master of Business Administration

The Wittenborg MBA is comprised of 3 phases which are made concrete in three semesters. It can be followed full-time (18 months) or part-time (24-36 months)

International Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Year 1, Semester 1
Block (part-time semester)Module / SubjectContact HoursEC CreditsModule Code
1 / 5 (1)7Human Resource Management365MO41
1 / 5 (2)8Marketing Management365MA41
1 / 5 (2)Research Methods Introduction (Final Project)9(FP)GA41
2 / 6 (1)Management Accounting and Finance365FIN41
2 / 6 (2)Operations Management365MO42
3 / 7 (1)International Management365MO43
3 / 7 (2)Information Management365TEC41
Year 1, Semester 2
5 / 1 (2)Research Methods (Final Project)27(FP)GA41
Electives 5 / 1 (1)Entrepreneurship365EN41
Critical Perspectives in Hospitality ManagementHM41
Strategic ManagementSM41
6 / 2 (2)Corporate Sustainability365EN42
6 / 2 (1)Business Statistics365GA42
7 / 3 (1)Globalisation, Society & Culture365MO44
Electives 7 / 3 (2)Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship365EN43
International Hospitality DevelopmentHM42
Semester 2 (1&2)Project Module (3 project weeks) 5PW41
Total Year 1: 60 Credits
Year 2
1 / 4 or 5 / 8 (1&2)Final Project (FP)2430GA41
Total Year 2, 30 Credits
Total Credits MBA, 90


In Semester 1, the students follow 6 core MBA modules. These modules incorporate a number of classic functional business administration areas, which, besides by forms of classical delegation of knowledge, will be grasped by reflective learning, i.e. learning in which students reflect on their prior work experience or, in cases of part time students, on their current work and employment organisation in the light of the materials provided in the various modules.

Reflective learning helps to develop critical thinking, self-awareness and analytical skills. It involves an individual in a reflective process.

Semester 2 sees a series of modules that allows students to study further in-depth in areas of globalisation and strategic management, and also to choose specialised electives in which to deepen their knowledge.

Students will choose electives within a “specialisation, or within the “generic” MBA pathway and be expected to continue in their chosen subject area for the Final Project, that is completed in Semester 3.

In Semester 2, the main modules Corporate Sustainability and Globalisation, Society & Culture provide more depth and breadth to the programme, looking at global issues from a socio-cultural perspective as well as a business administration one. These modules represent  an interdisciplinary approach to the learning process, i.e. a number of issues will be studied from various theoretical perspectives developed in different academic disciplines The main module Business Statistics looks at the application of statistical methods and data within a company or organisation. It will also prepare students for their research in the Final Project insofar as statistical analysis is a part of it. Similarly, but in a different manner, this module invites the student to combine information from different disciplines and sources so as to reach a full understanding of business-economic and social phenomena.

The elective modules in Semester 2 provide a way in which students can specialise. Either they choose the generic “General Management” pathway that allows them to study deeper in an area of strategic management, or students can choose Hospitality & Service Management or Entrepreneurship & Innovation as their focal area (specialisation)

Throughout Semester 1 and 2 students work on a Personal Development Plan (PDP) portfolio that culminates in three interlinked project weeks in Semester 2 in which students work in teams to fulfil a consultancy project for a regional organisation. There maybe 1 or more projects, depending the nature of what is available, and during the PDP and Project Module students are guided by their tutor.

Semester 3 is completely allocated to the Final Project, in which students complete a research project, preferably instigated by a company or non-business organisation associated with Wittenborg. The Final Project (at the very least) will combine theory, research and practical application.