November Event Registration Welcome Page



16:00 - 19:00

(Welcome and Drinks from 15:30)


Friends and associates of Wittenborg University!  Please mark your calendar for Thursday, 6 November 2014. Wittenborg will host an African Business-to-Business Event celebrating Africa and highlighting the many business, cooperation and investment opportunities the continent has to offer.


According to a recent article in the Economist, Africa was the world’s fastest growing continental economy in 2013, achieving yearly growth of 5.6%, and GDP is expected to rise by an average of over 6% annually between 2013 and 2023. The African labour force is becoming increasingly educated, with nearly half the working population expected to have some secondary-level education by 2020.


Africa at Wittenborg

Wittenborg University currently hosts 45 students from 14 different African countries. Together with them and Wittenborg’s friends we are looking forward to creating and increased awareness for the potential and possibilities that the African market has to offer companies and businesses in the region, in the Netherlands and around the world.


Please join us for this event, for instance if you are interested in expanding your business abroad, enlarging your network, either as members of the African community in the Netherlands or you are interested in linking up with stakeholders in Africa such companies and businesses there or government representatives or NGO’s. Please join us even if you are just interested in the continent of Africa and Wittenborg’s African students!


The programme will feature inspiring speakers, highlighting business trends and lucrative investment sectors in Africa and offer the opportunity for attendants to engage in a panel discussion with experts in the (African) field.


15.30-16.00 Welcome with coffee and tea

16.00-17.30 Official Programme

17.30-19.00 Information market and finger food/drinks

WHAT: African Business Event


WHEN: 6 November 2014 | 16.00 - 19.00


WHERE: Wittenborg University, 500 Laan van de Mensenrechten, 7331VZ, Apeldoorn