Example Modules

These programs will prepare students to understand much deeper in the concept of entrepreneurship and allow them to gain knowledge, skills and attitudes of a real entrepreneur, so that they can immediately start their own business during their final year of IBA study.

A real entrepreneur will then be born. Modules include Opportunity and Lead Creation, Entrepreneurial Behaviour, Business Start-ups and Business Plans, Bootstrapping & Raising Finance, Sales Pipeline Management.

The Entrepreneurship Bachelor programme is divided into three distinct parts:

The Bachelor Programme Entrepreneurial Business Administration is aimed at highly motivated business students who are looking for a BBA which provides a combination of academic challenges and application within an intense international environment, in which they learn to start their own business.

Students understand that a broad BBA also provides them with a solid base from which to start their careers or further their academic studies, and is divided over 3 Phases. The EBA programme is structured within the module / block system which maintains a balance of core business subject modules, specialist subject modules and practical experience modules. Throughout the programming, Personal Development Plan, Tutoring and Foreign Languages represent the thread of skills and competency learning. 

Phase 1 – (Theory)

Phase 1 is a general freshman year focusing on text book theory required for all related management courses. Students study in mixed disciplined classes (all specialisations together), however are expected to show their chosen Specialisation field in their essays / papers / project work.

Phase 2 -  (From Theory to Planning)

Phase 2 all disciplines is a separate course of modules specifically related to the chosen field as well as more general modules. The focus of year 3 is planning and many modules will be examined through cases and planning e.g. a Marketing Plan for the module Marketing. The year also includes the completion of a Business Plan and other specific Entrepreneurship Modules

Phase 3 - (Towards Strategy and Practice)

Phase 3 modules or the "Final year", in which students study the strategic modules of management, fulfill their special Work Preparation Module, as well as complete the year with their research assignment, the graduation dissertation. Students are also given the chance to test the robustness of their Business Plan in Business Start-ups and Business Plan Execution, as well as instigate a full business start-up in their Work Placement module.

Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3
Accounting & BookkeepingFamily BusinessesCost Accounting & Management
Intercultural ManagementBusiness Start-ups & Business PlansEntrepreneurship & Society
Innovation and Creative EntrepreneurshipSales & Export- (seminar) Entrepreneurs in Economic Downturn
Small Business Environment- (seminar) International Trade RisksCorporate Entrepreneurship
Modern Principles of MarketingProcurement & Production- (seminar) Corporate Social Responsibility
Management, Leadership & The OrganisationBusiness PhilosophyBusiness Plan Execution
Introduction to FinanceEntrepreneurial BehaviourResearch Methodology & Quantitative Methods
European LawBusiness Accounting- (seminar) Business Research Methods
Training in Interpersonal SkillsEnterprise Technology & InnovationStrategic Marketing
TIPS - Interviewing Skills- (seminar) Sustainable Business- (seminar) Marketing in Turbulent Times
TIPS - Effective MeetingStrategic Innovative EntrepreneurshipInternational Marketing for SMEs
TIPS - Peak Performance- (seminar) The Challenge of Business Ethics- (seminar) International Marketing in Practice
TIPS - Feedback & Group InteractionInformation ManagementEntrepreneurship in Organisations
Enterprise FormationBootstrapping & Raising Finance- (seminar) Entrepreneurship Cases
Sociology & Organisational Behaviour- (seminar) Angels & DragonsHuman Resource Management
Marketing MixMarketing Plan- (seminar) Strategic Human Resources Management
- (seminar) Digital MarketingManaging Organisations2nd Foreign Languages /
Managing Sales & AccountsFinancial & Risk ManagementIntercultural Business Communication for Managers
New Business EnvironmentSales Pipeline ManagementPDP 3 - Personal Development Plan & Tutoring
Introduction to EntrepreneurshipEnterprise Diagnostics & EvaluationWork Placement Module
International Law in Business & Commerce2nd Foreign LanguagesGraduation Assignment
2nd Foreign LanguagesPDP 2 – Personal Development Plan & Tutoring 
PDP 1 – Personal Development Plan & Tutoring and Academic EnglishPDP Seminar - Managing Diversity 
PDP Seminar - Business Presentation SkillsPDP Seminar - Negotiation 
PDP Seminar - Project Management GamePDP Seminar - Consulting Skills 
PDP Seminar - Leadership in Business EnvironmentPDP Seminar - Tapping your Creativity 
PDP Seminar - Team BuildingPDP Seminar - Conflict Management 
PDP Seminar - Effective Time Management6 x “Apprentice “Project Weeks & In-company Visits 
6 x “Apprentice “Project Weeks & In-company Visits